Billing information

Please send us your invoices as e-invoices to the addresses below.


E-invoicing address: 003718751267 
E-invoicing operator: Maventa 
Broker ID: 0037 2129 1126 
Intermediary ID when sending from bank network: DABAFIHH 

When you send us your first e-invoice, please inform us via email at

Each worksite invoice should be sent as a separate invoice. In the “OrderIdentifier” (or Order Number, Reference or Brand) field of the invoice, enter the site number we provided in our order as a reference for the buyer. This field must not contain any information other than the site number.  

Paper Invoices 

Please send paper invoices to: 

Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

On paper invoices, the serial number must appear in the address field of each invoice in addition to on the envelope. The text color must be black, with no staples. Send only invoices and their attachments for scanning, no other mail. 

PDF Invoices 

PDF invoices can be sent via email to 

You can attach several invoice files to the same email, each containing all pages of one invoice. Each email can be up to 10 Mb. Make sure the attachments are genuine PDF documents that are not locked or password protected. The maximum outside dimension of the document is 210 x 297 mm. Each attachment must have its own name, containing only normal characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9.