KSBR to build another wind farm in Närpiö – carbon neutral concrete in use
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy (KSBR) is building the Björkliden wind farm in Närpiö for the French company Neoen. Renewable energy is built in a...
International ISO certification for KSBR’s management system
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy's certificate collection culminated this spring when we received ISO 45001 certification in addition to the...
The new building for the University of the Arts Helsinki is awarded – KSBR carried out the concrete structures
The new building for the University of the Arts Helsinki is awarded as the winner of the Finnish Concrete Structure of the Year 2021. The...
KSBR is building a car park in Lincolninaukio, Vantaa – inspiration from motor stadium shapes and surplus concrete
Curved pergola structures on the roof, surplus concrete benches in the yard, features of a residential building. The Lincolninaukio parking...
KSBR involved in renovating parking construction: now becoming a wooden facade
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy (KSBR) has won the first parking garage contract in Helsinki's new Lammenranta residential area. The most visible...
Under construction: three wind farms in Central Finland for Winda
The Kinnula Hautakangas, Kyyjärvi Hallakangas and Saarijärvi Haapalamminkangas wind farm projects began in June and infrastructure work is...
Finland’s largest wind power project in Lestijärvi
Follow the construction here!
The schedule keeps even though the global situation brings challenges
Problems with the availability of materials and components caused by the global situation have not delayed the work at the Lestijärvi wind farm...
Earthworks for the Lestijärvi wind farm began
The site of Finland's largest wind farm in Lestijärvi has begun to take place: trees are currently being removed from the area of the future...
Lestijärvi’s historically large wind power project starts – KSBR builds the entire infrastructure for the wind farm
Finland’s largest wind farm will be built in Lestijärvi, Central Ostrobothnia. It will be implemented by Europe’s leading onshore wind power...