Two new wind power projects for KSBR with ABO Wind and Luxcara
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy (KSBR) has agreed on the construction of the infrastructure of two new wind farms in collaboration with the renewable energy asset management service provider Luxcara and the renewable energy project developer ABO Wind. Previously in September the trio informed that they would be jointly starting the construction of the Välikangas wind farm in Haapajärvi.
The new construction projects shall begin in Pihtipudas in Central Finland and in Sievi in Northern Ostrobothnia. KSBR shall carry out the infrastructure of both wind farms as a so-called turnkey delivery, i.e. it will be responsible for the design of the wind farms, the construction of the road and platform areas as well as the delivery of the foundations, substation, main transformers and cabling as a turnkey contract.
– We shall start the work at both sites no later than by the beginning of November. The majority of the contracts shall be carried out during the spring and early summer of 2021, says Oskari Pylkkönen, Project Manager at KSBR.
7 turbines both to Pihtipudas and to Sievi
Both Pihtipudas’ and Sievi’s 30-megawatt farms will have 7 turbines which will each have a total height of approximately 210 metres. In Pihtipudas, the farm will be installed in the village of Ilosjoki, and in Sievi in Jakostenkallio.
– It’s great that we will have the opportunity to continue our collaboration with valued international operators in the industry which is based on trust. This is important along KSBR’s path to becoming international, states Juha Tuominen, Director of KSBR’s Wind Power Construction.
Luxcara has selected Vestas as the turbine supplier. The electricity will be sold directly to corporate offtakers, and the parks are built without any government subsidies.
– We are happy to cooperate with KSBR also for the construction of our Finnish wind farms Sievi and Pihtipudas, following our good collaboration for the ongoing construction of our wind project Välikangas, states Philip Sander, Managing Director of Luxcara.
Attention to the prevention of coronavirus
KSBR pays particular attention to the prevention of coronavirus contagions at all of its construction sites. Many special arrangements are in place to protect the health of all parties and to guarantee ongoing operations and operating reliability at the construction sites.
KSBR has become a Finnish market leader in the construction of wind power infrastructure. Four different wind farms are currently being constructed in different areas of Finland: at Piiparinmäki wind farm in Kainuu, the final works are underway; and at Korkeakangas in Karstula, the focus is on cabling, overhead line and substation works. At Välikangas wind farm in Haapajärvi, excavation, cabling and foundation construction works are ongoing; and at Mastokangas wind farm’s construction site, excavation works are being initiated.
Together with Välikangas, Pihtipudas and Sievi orders complete the BoP deliveries to Luxcara for a portfolio of 3 projects.
Photo: Pixabay/ Symbolic image