We are the market leader in the construction of wind power infrastructure
KSBR has emerged as the wind park BoP construction leader in Finland.
Our special expertise includes turnkey deliveries of wind farms. If necessary, we can also deliver substations and transformer substations.
At the moment, we will supply infrastructure to Finland’s largest wind farm in Lestijärvi, Central Ostrobothnia (OX2). This turn-key Balance of Plant (BoP) delivery by KSBR includes wind farm roads, lifting areas, wind turbine foundations, the wind farm medium voltage network and telecommunications network, and the substations for grid connection, three of 110 kV and one of 400 kV.
Infrastructure works are ongoing also at Kinnula Hautakangas, Kyyjärvi Hallakangas and Saarijärvi Haapalamminkangas (Winda Energy), Korkeakangas (OX2), Välikangas wind farm (Abo Wind) and Mastokangas (Nordex Group).
We have wind farm projects also in Alajärvi (Ilmatar Energy). The project consists of two different parks: 13 power plants in Möksy and 23 power plants in Louhukangas. When completed, the complex will be one of the largest wind farms in Europe.
How Finland’s largest wind farm is being built: New solutions & efficient teamwork
Finland’s largest wind farm, which is being built in Piiparinmäki in Kainuu, requires everyday innovations and close teamwork in order to be completed. The foundation casting of the first turbines is ready and work is even ahead of schedule. Unique construction...
KSBR is working on the Karstula wind farm infrastructure for OX2
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne’s (KSBR) strong input in the construction of Finnish wind power infrastructure continues. The company is now starting the construction of the wind farm infrastructure at Korkeakangas in Karstula, which will comprise nine wind turbines...
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy to build the Piiparinmäki wind farm
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy (later also referred as KSBR) is starting the construction of Finland’s largest wind energy farm in Kainuu. The project owner is the Finnish clean wind energy provider Ilmatar Energy Oy. The Piiparinmäki wind farm will be built in...
KSBR Oy Balance of Plant supply to Närpes Hedet wind farm for Nordex EPC delivery – Google buys the electricity
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy (later KSBR) is responsible for all the Balance of Plant works in Närpiö Hedet wind farm as an EPC-supply. Hedet is one of Finland latest market-based windfarms and one of those three Finnish parks from which the American tech giant...
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy participates to build subsidy-free wind power
Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy (later KSBR) has signed a significant turn-key delivery contract with OX2 to supply the civil and electrical balance of plant of Ponsivuori windfarm located in Kurikka Finland. “We are responsible for design and supply of roads,...